Tag Archives: ALC

Currently Coveting: Shirts

In the past I’ve never seen the point of wearing shirts, I thought they were too conservative and boring and they didn’t inject enough of my personality into my outfit.

Recently, I’ve noticed shirt in the shops in beautiful fabrics with interesting design features.  I’ve found myself looking at shirts more and more often but had been hesitant to purchase one as I wasn’t sure whether I’d get the wear out of it.

In July, I finally found the perfect Equipment shirt that made me change my mind.  It is navy blue with a mustard yellow collar and white cuffs.  I’ve been converted.  I’ve found that shirts work during the day and are also the perfect item of clothing to wear in the evenings now that my nights out consist more of dinners out rather than drinks, bars and clubbing.

I’ve now got two silk shirts, have my eye on several others and am constantly on the look out for more to add to my (currently small) collection.

Pictured below are some of my favourites that I’m trying to find budget for so I can add them my wardrobe.

The Scott top from ALC, the tuxedo style colour blocked front panel makes a real statement and looks smart for day and night, to see more click here

a.l.c. top button-alc scott silk layeredeffect colorblock shirt

Equipment Bret Blouse with contrast metal collar.  A classic black shirt with an edge.  The collar would look amazing peeking out from under a crew neck jumper.  To see more click here

Helen Cherry Jemima Blouse.  A sheer handprinted chevron silk shirt with a pussy bow which can either be worn loose or tied at the neck.  To see more click here

Ruby bird shirt, an oversizedshirt with a drop shoulder, this also comes in a black and white polka dot option. To see more click here


